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Glass Fiber Packing With Graphite Impregnation

Glass Fiber Packing With Graphite Impregnation

Glass Fiber Packing With Graphite Impregnation
Square braided from E-glass fiber impregnated with graphite. Normal for valves. We also provide fiberglass packing reinforced with SS or Nickel wire and lubricated by graphite. It is cost effective, general purpose packing to be used in rotary pumps, mixers, valves against steams, fumes, oils, mild acids and general chemicals.

As a static seal for vessels, heaters, manhole, lids, covers, thermal insulation and fire-proof of pipes etc. Suited for chemically neutral and resistant to water, steam, hot air, oils and so on. They can be used for pumps & valves.

Temperature up to 600 °C
PH range 5~9
PACKAGING In coils of 5 or 10 kg/other weight on request.